Meet The Team
Human Resources Manager
Montgomery Ross
Have a problem with a staff member? Wondering about your benefits/pension? Contact Monty for all your human resource needs.
Former Education Ambassador
Nelson was an important member of the education team, and was responsible for helping to promote education and learning in a fun and engaging way. Sadly, we lost Nelson to illness in December 2023. He will forever be remembered as an important part of our Farmily.
Chief Chaos Operator
Penelope is responsible for creating an environment of disorder and confusion on the farm. She is a natural troublemaker with excellent communication skills and a strong work ethic. She is responsible for creating chaos and mayhem, ensuring that all animals are constantly on their toes, and never know what to expect. Penelope is also responsible for supervising the other animals and ensuring that they are all working together in a state of disarray.
Porkfolio Manager
Odin is passionate about porcine financial success and possesses a knack for turning piggy pennies into a bacon bounty. . As the swine finance expert, he is responsible for overseeing the financial well-being of our hog-heavy investments and ensuring that our piggy banks are always full.